It's beginning to look a lot like Q4 ☃️🎄 and we all know it! The latest IDFree Insider newsletter features four distinctive shopper audiences tailor-made for Q4 vibes. They span all four Nordic countries and are exclusively made by NDR for the Adform Audience Marketplace.
The Q4 shopping season kicks off with a unique collaboration between Adform and NDR: Two of the strong and influential marketing data providers across the Nordic region!
Exclusive to the Adform platform, four distinctive shopper audiences are tailor-made for Q4 vibes. These four audiences span all four Nordic countries, making your Q4 campaigns much more resonant.
Find these exclusive audiences within the Adform Audience Marketplace, right alongside the 2,000+ premium audiences you’ve come to expect from Nordic Data Resources.
Check out the IDFree Insider newsletter: It's beginning to look a lot like Q4.
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